- Academic Computer Center
- Accounting and Finance, Department of
- Adams, Charles
- Adelphian Literary Society
- Administration Building (Administration Drive) (see Foust Building)
- Administration Building (Spring Garden Street) (see Mossman Building)
- Administrative Computer Center
- African American and African Diaspora Studies Program
- African American Studies Program
- African Student Union
- Agee, Lynne
- Agostini, Peter
- Albanese, Naomi
- Alderman, Edwin
- Aletheian Literary Society
- Alexander, Louise Brevard
- Alpha Phi Omega
- Alumnae News
- Alumnae House (see Alumni House)
- Alumni Distinguished Service Award winners
- Alumni Excellence Award winners
- Alumni House
- Alumni News (see Alumnae News)
- Alumni Teaching Excellence Award winners
- Amphitheatre
- Anthropology, Department of
- Archaeology Program
- Armfield, Jane Harris
- Armfield-Preyer Admissions & Visitor Center
- Armstrong, David
- Arts and Sciences, College of (see College of Arts and Sciences)
- Arts and Sciences Building (see Ferguson Building)
- Arts Forum/Arts Festival
- Ashby, Warren
- Ashby Residential College (see Warren Ashby Residential College)
- Athletic Fields
- Aycock Auditorium (see UNCG Auditorium)
- Bachelors Bench
- Bailey Residence Hall
- Bailey, Thomas
- Banks, McRae C.
- Baptist Center
- Baptist Student House
- Barns
- Bardolph, Richard
- Bardon, Jack
- Barton, Helen
- Baseball
- Baseball Stadium
- Basketball, Men’s (see Men’s Basketball)
- Beale, Walter
- Beaufort Summer School
- Becher-Weaver Building
- Belk, Irwin
- Belk Recreation Track
- Bell (see University Bell)
- Beyond Academics
- Black Alumni Council
- Black Studies Program
- Black Power Forum (1967)
- Blackwell, Gordon W.
- Board of Trustees chairs
- Book Store
- Boulus, Sister Mary Michel
- Brady, Linda P.
- Brick Dormitory
- Brick Dormitory Fire
- Broadaway, Maude
- Brown Building
- Brown, Wade R.
- Bryan Building
- Bryan School of Business and Economics
- Bryant, Dixie Lee
- Bryant, Joseph Allen, Jr.
- Bryant House
- Bullard Award winners (see Gladys Strawn Bullard Award for Service winners)
- Burnsville School of Drama (see Burnsville School of Fine Arts)
- Burnsville School of Fine Arts
- Business and Economics Building (see Bryan Building)
- Business Administration, Department of
- Business Education and Secretarial Administration, Department of
- Byrd, Clara Booth
- Camp Ahutforfun
- Campus Recreation, Department of
- Carlyle Commission
- Carmichael Building
- Carmichael, William
- Carolinian (newspaper)
- Carnegie Library (see Forney Building)
- Carnegie Library Fire (1932)
- Carpenterettes
- Carter Child Care Center
- Center for Critical Inquiry in the Liberal Arts
- Center for Instructional Media (see McNutt Building)
- Chamings, Patricia
- Chancellor’s Residence (Spring Garden Street) (see Armfield-Preyer Admissions & Visitor Center)
- Chancellor’s Residence (Sunset Drive)
- Chappell, Fred
- Cheek, Dr. Yvonne
- Chemistry and Biochemistry, Department of
- Chinqua-Penn Plantation
- Christina, Robert
- Clark, Pat Shore
- Class Colors
- Class of 1907 Minerva Statue
- Class of 1919 Memorial Garden
- Class of 1923 Memorial Garden
- Class of 1960 Memorial Garden
- Clocktower
- Coit, Laura Hill
- Coit Residence Hall
- Coleman, Mary Channing
- Coleman Building
- Coleman Gymnasium
- College Avenue
- College Farm
- College of Arts and Sciences
- College of Liberal Arts and Sciences (see College of Arts and Sciences)
- College Song (see University Song)
- Commencement Home (North Elm Street)
- Commencement speakers
- Commercial Department
- Commission on Education Beyond the High School (see Carlyle Commission)
- Communication Sciences and Disorders, Department of
- Communication Studies, Department of
- Community and Therapeutic Recreation, Department of
- Computer Science, Department of
- Cone, Anne Wortham
- Cone Building
- Cone, Laura Weill
- Cone Residence Hall
- Consolidated University Council
- Consolidated University Day
- Consumer, Apparel, and Retail Studies, Department of
- Cook, Dr. John H.
- Coraddi
- Cornelian Literary Society
- Cotten Residence Hall
- Cotten, Sallie Southall
- Counseling and Educational Development, Department of
- Creighton, Joanne
- Crutcher, Ronald A.
- Cuddy, Anne Prince (see Prince Cuddy, Anne)
- Curry Building (College Avenue)
- Curry Building (Spring Garden Street)
- Curry Cottage
- Curry Court (see Athletic Fields)
- Curry Gymnasium (see Park Gymnasium)
- Curry, Jabez Lamar Monroe
- Curry School
- Gariglio, Raymond J.
- Gatewood, Maud
- Gatewood Studio Arts Building
- Genetic Counseling Program
- Geography, Department of
- Gerontology Program
- Gilliam, Franklin D., Jr.
- Gladys Strawn Bullard Award for Service winners
- Golden Chain Honor Society
- Golf Course
- Gove, Anna
- Gove Infirmary (Forest Street)
- Gove Infirmary (Gray Drive) (see Gove Student Health Center)
- Gove Student Health Center
- Graham, Edward Kidder, Jr.
- Graham Building
- Graham, Frank Porter
- Gray Residence Hall
- Gray, Robert Terelius
- Griffin, Ellen
- Grogan, Ione
- Grogan Residence Hall
- Guilford Dormitory (see Wooden Dormitory)
- Guilford Residence Hall
- Gym Night
- Harriet Elliot Social Sciences Forum/ Lecture Series
- Harris, Emmylou
- Hawkins, Kathleen Pettit
- Hawkins Residence Hall (see Phillips-Hawkins Residence Hall)
- Health and Human Performance, School of (see School of Health and Human Performance)
- Health and Human Performance Building (see Coleman Building)
- Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, Department of (see Department of Physical Education)
- Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance, School of (see School of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance)
- Herring Garden
- HHP Building (see Coleman Building)
- Himes, Dr. Joseph (1908-1992)
- Hinshaw, George Washington
- Hinshaw Residence Hall
- History, Department of
- History and Political Science, Department of
- Home Economics Building (see Stone Building)
- Home Economics, School of
- Home Management House (Gray Drive)
- Home Management House (McIver Street)
- Home Management House (West Market Street)
- Home Training Cottage
- Homecoming Kings and Queens
- Honors Convocation speakers
- Homecoming Kings and Queens
- Hose House
- Housing and Interior Design, Department of
- Howe, Kenneth
- Human Development and Family Studies, Department of
- Mace
- Main Building (see Foust Building)
- Management, Department of
- Manning, Warren Henry
- Marketing, Entrepreneurship, Hospitality, and Tourism, Department of
- Marshals (see University Marshals)
- Martin, Tom
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Celebration speakers
- Martin Luther King, Jr. Service Award winners
- Martus, Ethel (see Ethel Martus Lawther)
- Mary Foust Residence Hall
- Mathematical Sciences, Department of
- Mathematics, Department of
- Mathematics and Statistics, Department of
- May Day
- May Day Queen
- McAdoo, Larry
- McIver, Charles Duncan
- McIver, Elizabeth (see Elizabeth McIver Weatherspoon)
- McIver, Lula Martin
- McIver Building
- McIver House
- McIver Memorial Building
- McIver Statue
- McNutt Building
- McNutt Center for Instructional Media (see McNutt Building)
- McNutt, Franklin
- Medallion
- Media Studies, Department of
- Mendenhall Residence Hall (see Ragsdale/Mendenhall Residence Hall)
- Men’s Basketball
- Men’s Soccer
- MHRA Building (see Moore Humanities and Research Administration Building)
- Middle College
- Midway Dormitory (see Wooden Dormitory)
- Miles Davis Jazz Studies Program
- Milk Bar
- Miller, Robert
- Minerva Statue
- Moore, Margaret C.
- Moore Building
- Moore Humanities and Research Administration Building
- Moore, Mary Taylor
- Moore Residence Hall (see Moore-Strong Residence Hall)
- Moore-Strong Residence Hall
- Moran, William E.
- Moran Commons and Plaza
- Moravian Lovefeast
- Mordy, Margaret
- Mossman, Mereb
- Mossman Building
- Music Building (West Market Street)
- Music Building (Tate Street) (see Brown Building)
- Music Education
- Music Performance
- Music Studies
- Park Gymnasium
- Parker, Michael
- Parkway Playhouse (see Burnsville School of Fine Arts)
- Patrick, Odessa
- Peabody Park
- Peabody Park Bridge
- Peace and Conflict Studies, Department of
- Pearcey, Laynee
- Pedagogy, Department of (see Department of Education)
- Pedestrian Tunnel
- Perrin, David
- Petty, Annie
- Petty, Mary
- Petty Building
- Petty Pedestrian Bridge
- Petty Science Building (see Petty Building)
- Physical Education, Department of
- Physical Education Building (see Coleman Building)
- Physics and Astronomy, Department of
- Pierson, William Whatley
- Pine Needles
- Phi Beta Kappa
- Phillips Residence Hall (see Phillips-Hawkins Residence Hall)
- Phillips-Hawkins Residence Hall
- Piney Lake
- Playing Fields (see Athletic Fields)
- Playlikers
- Political Science, Department of
- Polk-Jones, Angela
- Posey, Eldon Eugene
- Post Office
- Power Plant (see Steam Plant)
- Practice School (see Curry School)
- Prall, Charles
- President’s Residence (see Armfield-Preyer Admissions & Visitor Center)
- Preyer, Emily Harris
- Prince Cuddy, Anne
- Ragsdale/Mendenhall Residence Hall
- Ragsdale Residence Hall (see Ragsdale/Mendenhall Residence Hall)
- Ragsdale, Virginia
- Rat Day
- Rawk, The (see The Rock)
- Reilly, David
- Religious Activities Center
- Religious Emphasis Week
- Religious Studies, Department of
- Remsburg, Robin
- Research Excellence Award winners
- Residential College (see Warren Ashby Residential College)
- Reynolds, Katharine Smith
- Reynolds Residence Hall
- Rhythmettes (see Darlinettes)
- Robertson, Lucy Owen
- Robinson, Ezekiel
- Rock, The
- Rosenthal Annex (see Rosenthal Gymnasium)
- Rosenthal Gymnasium
- Rugby
- Ryan, James G.
- Schiffman Music Library
- School of Business and Economics (see Bryan School of Business and Economics)
- School of Education
- School of Education Building
- School of Health and Human Performance
- School of Health and Human Sciences
- School of Health, Physical Education, Recreation, and Dance
- School of Nursing
- School of Visual and Performing Arts
- Schunk, Dale
- Science Building (College Avenue) (see Petty Building)
- Science Building (McIver Street) (see Sullivan Science Building)
- Science Everywhere
- Science Fiction Fantasy Federation
- Scott, Annie V.
- Scott, Marie Darr
- Senior Hall (see Woman’s Dormitory)
- Service League
- Shaftesbury, Archie
- Shaw (Anna Howard) Residence Hall
- Shelton, David
- Sher, Richard
- Singletary, Otis A.
- Sink Building
- Sink, John Moyer, Sr.
- Small, Ernestine
- Smith, William C.
- Smith Associated Campus Ministries Center
- Soccer, Men’s (see Men’s Soccer)
- Soccer Stadium
- Social Work, Department of
- Sociology, Department of
- Soda Shop (see Faculty Center)
- Softball
- Softball Stadium
- South Spencer Residence Hall (see Spencer Residence Hall)
- Spartan Club
- Spartan Statue
- Spartan Trader
- Spartan Village
- Spencer, Cornelia Phillips
- Spencer Residence Hall
- Spring Fling
- Spring Garden Apartments
- Staff Excellence Award winners
- State Normal Magazine
- Steam Plant
- Stewart, Debra W.
- Stewart, Debra W.
- Stone, Mary Francis
- Strong, Cornelia
- Strong Hall Protest (1979)
- Strong Residence Hall (see Moore-Strong Residence Hall)
- Student Government Association
- Student Learning Enhancement Award winners
- Student Learning Enhancement Award winners
- Students Anniversary Plaza
- Students’ Building
- Sullivan, Patricia A.
- Sullivan Science Building
- Summer Houses
- Swanson, Richard