In 1971, The University of North Carolina at Greensboro established the Department of Business Administration and Management Science, located within the Bryan School of Business and Economics. Over the next several decades, the department would change names and occasionally merge with other departments. In 2012, the Department of Management was again established as a separate department within the Bryan School. Today, the mission of the department is to “equip students with the evidence-based knowledge, practical skills, and the character to become global business leaders” and to help students “benefit from the infusion of critical global economic issues throughout the curriculum.” The Department of Management offers undergraduate and graduate degrees in Business Administration and International Business.
Department Heads:
Dwight Gentry (1971-1975)
Joseph Johnson (1975-1984)
James Crews (1984-1989)
George Grill (1989-1992)
Terry Mullins(1984-1991)
Benton Miles (1991-2005)
Daniel Winkler (2001-2005)
Stephen Lucas (1994-1995,2005-2008)
Kevin Lowe (2008-2012,2013-2014)
William Tullar (2012-2013)
Paul Munchinsky (2014-2015)
Moses Acquaah (2015-current)
Departmental names:
Department of Administration and Management Science (1971-1972)
Department of Business Administration (1973-1984)
Department of Business and Marketing Teacher Education (1985-1995)
Department of Management (1985-1988)
Department of Management and Marketing (1988-1995)
Department of Business Administration (1995-2012)
Department of Management (2012-2016)