The Science Fiction Fantasy Federation (or SF3 – pronounced “SF Cubed”) is a student club established in 1975 as the Star Trek Club. The club now includes and seeks membership from students interested in all things Fantasy, Science Fiction, Comics, Board Games, and Video Games. Every March, since 1976, SF3 has sponsored Stellarcon, a science-fiction and gaming convention. Originally a one day event held on campus, since 1992 Stellarcon has become a three-day event, held at area hotels, and has grown to have an average attendance of more than 500 people annually. Stellarcon includes guest panel discussions, book readings, demonstrations, workshops, roleplaying games, board games, card games, robot battles, and a costume contest. Guest speakers generally include authors, artists, game designers, costumers, and media celebrities.
Science Fiction Fantasy Federation
Posted on June 06, 2017