Studies in music have been offered at UNCG since its opening in 1892. Courses for music majors who were looking to teach or perform were offered in solfeggio, ear training, and history of music. Beginning in 1912, the school started offering more musical theory class options which included: counterpoint analysis, melody writing, and elementary form. Notably, composition was finally added to the course catalog in 1922 for seniors majoring in applied music. In 1942, the Women’s College of the University of North Carolina formally added music theory as a major. Today, the university offers areas of study in musicology, ethnomusicology, composition, and music theory.
School Deans:
- Wade R. Brown (1912-1935)
- Hugh Altvator (1936 – 1965)
- Lawrence Hart (1966-1980)
- Robert Blocker (1981 – 1982)
- Arthur Tollefson (1984 – 2000)
- John Deal (2001- 2012)
- Sue Stinson (2012 – 2012)- Interim Dean
- Peter Alexander (2013 – Present)
School names:
- Department of Vocal Music (1892)
- Department of Instrumental Music (added in 1900)
- School of Music (Officially, 1922)
- School of Music, Theatre and Dance (2010)
- School of Visual and Performing Arts (2016)